Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is My Party Nearly Over?

There is nobody running for the Tea Party nomination that is as conservative as my fine print suckering Greenie hero Ralph Nader.

Oh, Ron Paul comes close, with his adherence to the Founding Fathers (except for George "Let's invade Canada to defend American interests" Washington, Thomas "Fight Islamic piracy" Jefferson, James "Let's have a Federal Reserve Bank" Madison, and especially James "the Western Hemisphere belongs to America" Monroe, of course). And I must say I do find his coziness with Hezbollah absolutely scintillating.

But, he's no true conservative welfare queen, like Michelle Bachmann. She won't go as far as John Huntsman wanting Obama stimulus packages to be bigger (and who dislikes bigger packages?) but she did write the Obama administration a nice thank you letter on behalf of Minnesota. And for fiscal conservatives like me, it's a nice touch to waste office stationery rather than sending an email.

But now the party is turning to Newt Gingrich, and not Rick "pass TARP now" Perry.

What kind of conservative movement backs a welfare reforming budget cutting defense hawk anyway?